Terms And Conditions

Please read the agreement of use, rights and privacy before you start to use the site. By logging in to our site you are agreeing to these terms of use and you will follow them. For those who do not agree to these conditions, please do not use the site.


The resources that you will find on our site are general in nature and are not meant to be or constitute legal or other professional advice and therefore should not be relied upon as such. This website is entirely for informational purposes without improving upon the real value of medical professionals' ability to advise, diagnose, or treat. It is important to ask your doctor/healthcare provider for help if you notice any new medical symptoms/suspect having one and before beginning any program on diet, exercises or supplements or changing the medications you are using.

We have no responsibility for any loss which may result from your access or reliance on the information on this site. Furthermore, by the way of law fullest we desist direct or indirect losses or damage s (from) usage of this site.


The right to access our website is limited and we do not guarantee continuous uninterrupted access. In case of technical difficulties, we reserve the right to either withdraw or amend the service that we provide without prior information. We will not be responsible if our site is anytime or for any period unavailable for any reason.


We take the complete ownership, or have the license, of all the intellectual property rights over our site, and equally, over the materials published on it. Similar works are protected by Copyright Laws and treaties everywhere in the world. All the rights mentioned above are reserved.

It is alright to print a page or a section online for your reference copy. You can also download an extract of any of the posted material and point out to some of the site’s articles in your organization.

You should not edit the materials you have printed or downloaded to avoid changing the original content, and you should not use a separate photo, video or audio sequences or any graphics that you take apart from the text.

The authorship (and that of any identified contributors) of the materials on our site must always be mentioned.

It is strictly prohibited with no part of the materials on our site to use either for commercial purposes or to obtain a license from us or our licensors.

The terms of use of our website state that you cannot print, copy or download any of our materials unless you strictly adhere to these terms. If you disobey these terms your access to our website immediately ends and you must give up reading or destroy any copies of those materials you have already downloaded.

If you think that your intellectual property rights have been violated by our website content, please contact us via email or by writing at the address given below.


We update our website at regular intervals, and sometimes, the content may change at any moment. It is our prerogative to either temporarily block or stay our access or to endlessly bring down the site. We do not have any obligation to update our site if any of the information is not up to date.


We, by the terms of our privacy policy, process your information. Through our website, you give us your consent to process such data and you also assure that all the data you have provided is accurate.


You must never knowingly introduce any virus, trojan horse, worm, logic bomb or any other destructive scopes and not anything with tecnologically harmful attributes. You are not allowed to try to get into our site unauthorized, the server on which our site is stored or any server, computer or database connected to our site. You are not allowed to deny access to the website through a particular attack known as the denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

Hence, you will be violating the prohibition under the British Computer Misuse Act of the year 1990 which is a standard criminal offence. We will inform the law enforcement agencies and work with them by giving your identity to them if such a breach of the security occurs. If there happens to be such a case, you will no longer own the rights to use our website.

We will not be accountable for any damage or damages, including that is related to a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful items that may infect your computer system, computer program, data or other property that is owned by you or other people because of your use of this site or download of any material posted on this site or on any website linked to it.


On our site, we have links to other sites and resources provided by third parties which are there only for your information. We assume no liability and do not control the contents, accuracy, or availability of those sites or resources. In addition, damages resulting from you using them are beyond our scope of responsibility. We imply that you also make sure that you examine their policies on using information, their terms of use and privacy policies to determine their compliance and how they are utilizing your personal information.


Privacy policy is included in, and is subject to, these terms and conditions of use.


We may update the terms of use by our free will at any time which may be reflected at this page. Such updates could appear here at any time, and therefore, you are required regularly to check this page for changes, as they will be binding. These terms of use may contain certain provisions that may be superseded by other provisions or notices published on our site.